Order of Service – Radical Community – 04.05.2020
Intro and Welcome – Jess Levy
Announcement & Stewardship: Mike Carney
Chalice Lighting & Call to Worship: Rev Joe
Music Number 1: I Know This Rose Will Open
Joys and Concerns
Unison Reading 1
Jess Levy — Community and Why it is Important
Wayside Pulpit 1
Music Number 2: One Voice
Wisdom from the Global Scripture
What is community, and why is it important?
Answered by Alan O’Hare, Celtic Storyteller
Shared by the Rev. Ant Howe, Wythall, Worcestershire, England
Answered by Sarah Michelson of Sudbury, Massachusetts
Shared by Stella Glesius
Music Number 3 : Spirit of Life
Story 1, The Politics of Palms, Dr. Allan Georgia
Wayside Pulpit 2
Unison Reading 2
Rev. Joe — “Community“
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