Virtual Service: Kent State 05.03.2020

Intro with Music


Chalice Lighting – Mark Weber

Call to Worship

Music Number 1: May Nothing Evil Cross This Door

Joys and Concerns

Unison Reading 1: The Legacy of Caring by the Rev. Dr. Thandeka

A Little Known Part of the Story, Mark Weber

Wayside Pulpit 1:From the Talmud

Another Little Known Part of the Story, Jackson State University- Dr. Allan Georgia

Music Number 2: Congregational Hymn

Meditation on Breathing

Unison Reading 2: I Do Not Pray, by James Madison Barr

Music Number 3/Offertory: Kent State May 4th Visitors Center

Karin Tooley – Perfect 4ths Improvisation

Loss of Life, Youth and Potential- Rev. Joe

Reading of the Names – Allan Georgia

Wayside Pulpit

“Flowers are better than Bullets.” – Allison Krause (1951-1970)

A New Normal- Mark Weber (where we should go from here?)

Music 4: One Voice

Benediction – Rev. Joe

Postlude/Closing Hymn – I Know I Can

End Credits

Thank you! if you are a first time visitor/viewer and would like to know more about or join the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Cleveland please visit us

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