2020-12-28 Zoom-In… LIVE! Guests: Jenna Bradbourne & Will Barrett

As previously announced, Jenna Bradbourne and Will Barrett, the show’s alternating co-hosts, will be the guests on the show’s holiday episode on December 28. “We thought it would be fun and interesting for our congregation to get to know these two outstanding young people better,” said show host David Kantor. “We asked them to be part of the show in the first place because we knew they’d add a helpful perspective. What better time to hear more from them than our holiday show, as we wrap up 2020 and head into 2021?”

UUCC Zoom-In…LIVE! the congregation’s infotainment show, airs on the second and fourth Mondays of each month during the 8-9 PM hour (eastern time).

The pre-show begins 10-15 minutes before 8 with a three song music mix, then follows with David and co-host interviewing the special guest for about 25 minutes. After a short break, the audience asks questions of the guest for the remainder of the show. “The smart folks show up at around 12 minutes before 8 and stay a few minutes after the show ends to listen to the music,” David observed.

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