Food for Our Minds and Spirits: Storm Coming In . . .

Sometimes it is hard to tap into our spiritual selves or find time to nurture our intellectual curiosity. Here is a section that reflects on some nourishing materials from around the web and related media channels in order to get us thinking, get us feeling, and get us reflecting on the lives we are living in this big, beautiful world. **Some Adult/Mature Themes May Appear in Links and Other Attached Material**

Storm Coming In . . .

Storm Coming In…

This past Sunday was quite an experience. 

If you haven’t watched the service online or if you weren’t there with us, it was a very very weird one. The whole worship and B&G groups were scrutinizing the weather all morning. And it seemed like we were skirting right at the edge of a little rain, but it was being forecasted later and later in the day. We all talked and decided it was worth the risk.

Turned out, the weather predictions were wrong. We didn’t get a little bit of rain that passed quickly. We were inundated with a drenching shower. The electrical equipment had to be unplugged; people had to run inside. It had all the makings of a debacle. 

Except, it was a beautiful, wonderful Sunday. Contrary to all expectations, people ran inside the church building. Everyone was careful to mask themselves and sit with people they knew or stayed distant from one another. It was honestly beautiful: the generosity of our community of people, the humid, chilly air that came in along with the storm, the patience of volunteers, the humor of everyone.

This is not the plan for future weeks. Our negotiation of this past Sunday was a one-off. We’ll try to do better in weeks to come. But for now, given all that we’ve struggled with this past year, this was a Sunday full of grace and beauty. And I’m just so thankful.

Allan T. Georgia, M.Div., M.T.S., PhD

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