Author: Randy Partain

Ruminations: Chirping

We might have to be still for a moment and attune ourselves intentionally to one another’s chirping.

October Listening Circles

We’re beginning a new practice of Listening Circles this year, exploring our collective vision for UUCC as well as creating space for our responses to a new expression of Unitarian Universalist values. This isn’t a decision-making space. It’s a space just to share personally and … read more.

Ruminations: Shoes

Sammie had a routine. Maybe we’d say a habit. The very first thing Sammie did after coming home was kick off whatever shoes Sammie was wearing. It was a way of saying, “Now I can relax.” The action was usually accompanied by a sigh … read more.

Ruminations: Mysterium

Even when we’re really good at something, we might look around the room and invite someone else to give it a try.

Ruminations: Unflippable

What unflippable table could make it easier for us to offer compassion? And maybe even give others the opportunity to provide care?  

Ruminations: Garlic

Maybe the thing that gives us life and breath and hope is devoting our time and energy to creating something that restores beauty and wholeness and well-being.

Help a Ukrainian Family Settle in Cleveland

Global Cleveland is seeking a small group from UUCC of 5 – 8 individuals who would find it meaningful to provide a legal passage for a Ukrainian family seeking to resettle in the Cleveland area. 

This need is urgent, as the Uniting for Ukraine program that … read more.

Ruminations: Garuda

Courage can look a lot like toxic defiance. All claws and fangs and flaming wings.