Author: UUCC Racial Justice Leadership Team

Report on the Poor People and Low Wage Workers Moral March and Assembly

The Poor People’s Campaign seeks empowerment of the 140 million people in the US living in poverty. The movement reflects an omnibus vision to restructure our society from the bottom up, recognizing that in order to build a true Third Reconstruction we must simultaneously deal with the interlocking injustices of systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation and the denial of health care, militarism and the distorted moral narrative of religious nationalism that blames the poor instead of the systems that cause poverty.   This project fit with the congregation’s justice priorities.  

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ACLU Wants your opinion!

The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Cleveland (UUCC) and The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) partners with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to make our voices stronger.

What are your highest hopes for your community?

This summer, the American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio ( ACLU of Ohio) is speaking with 10,000 Ohioans

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