Category: Learning
PRIMARY category for news posts about learning opportunities that fall outside of specific RE programming
We don’t get to see ministers doing minister things in media very much. You might see a priest of a rabbi here or there. You may see a clerical collar … Continue reading Food for our Minds and Spirits: Ted Lasso Is A Minister.
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Costco is a really unique place. It’s gigantic. It is ALWAYS busy, and because of how big it is, it means there’s a ton of people there. It is a … Continue reading Food for our Minds and Spirits: What Costco Teaches Me about People Being Together.
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The persimmon tree in our permaculture garden is currently absolutely full of fruit. If you are walking in, it’s just to the left of the walkway on your way into … Continue reading Food for our Minds and Spirits: Persimmons
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Wanna see something neat? There’s this person in Bushwick embarked upon a very ambitious and also a very uncharacteristic thing for Summer this year. She made a continuous stew and … Continue reading Food for our Minds and Spirits: Perpetual Stew
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Email [email protected] to register! Allan T. Georgia, MDiv, MTS, PhD Share this post:
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A weird thing that happens if you have kids, work in schools or work in a congregation like ours at UUCC, September is a little like New Years. And New … Continue reading Food for our Minds and Spirits: Liminal Space Is Back in Session!
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Having the chance to try some raw honey from the comb with Cliff Wire and all the folks who joined us in the orchard and pollinator garden this past Sunday … Continue reading Food for our Minds and Spirits: The Bees Came To My Office Hours (sort of..)
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This past week, we were talking about human versions of monocultures, and the loneliness that it fosters. The photographer Aristotle Roufinas’ images capture a way of seeing these monocultures in … Continue reading Food for our Minds and Spirits: Aristotle Roufinas and Artificial Loneliness
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This past week, we were talking about human versions of monocultures, and the loneliness that it fosters. The photographer Aristotle Roufinas’ images capture a way of seeing these monocultures in … Continue reading Food for our Minds and Spirits: Aristotle Roufinas and Artificial Loneliness
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Do you remember when you turned 15? I don’t think I can remember mine too well. I can’t remember when I turned 16 too well either. My family didn’t make … Continue reading Food for our Minds and Spirits: Quinceañera
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