Food for Our Minds and Spirits: How the Heck Do Eels exist?!

Sometimes it is hard to tap into our spiritual selves or find time to nurture our intellectual curiosity. Here is a section that reflects on some nourishing materials from around the web and related media channels in order to get us thinking, get us feeling, and get us reflecting on the lives we are living in this big, beautiful world. **Some Adult/Mature Themes May Appear in Links and Other Attached Material**

(Pardon the Friends joke.)

I spent this week thinking about mysteries and the unexplainable. And I ended up with eels. 

Eels are kind of hilarious, kind of gross, and, I’ve learned, completely amazing. And what’s amazing about them is wrapped up in how mysterious they are. And if you didn’t know, eels are quite mysterious. (Watch this if you want to learn more!)

It turns out, no one––and I mean absolutely no one––knows where eels come from. If you dissect an eels, you will look through all of the eels innards and find no organs of reproduction. There are no eggs. There are no gonads. There’s nothing there.

That’s weird enough. But we also don’t know where they spawn. We’ve found baby (juvenile) eels. And we know that fresh water eels all travel to the ocean at the ends of their lives where the head toward––I swear to God this is true––the Bermuda triangle. What happens there no one knows. No scientist had been able to track where they go. And no one knows what they do there, or precisely where. 

But, somehow and in someway, we get more eels. And thank god too, because they are an important part of various ecosystems, to say nothing of being delicious. But more than that, I appreciate this mystery. Its a big one. It reminds me there’s always more to discover. And it reminds me that we DON’T have all the answers.

Allan T. Georgia, M.Div., M.T.S., PhD

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