GCC has launched Dollars-for-Doses Vaccine Clinics

Our Dollars-for-Doses Vaccine Pop-Up Clinics Are Looking to be a Huge Success! 

On February 19th, GCC kicked off our Dollars for Doses campaign. Seven GCC churches are hosting 16 clinics on Cleveland’s East Side that are scheduled every other week through early September. We’re partnering with the Centers for Families and Children to put shots in arms. We are giving:

  • $100 for the first dose
  • $50 for the second dose
  • $25 for the booster
  • $25 for anyone who brings a person to be vaccinated

Research has shown that in socially and economically vulnerable communities, the unvaccinated are more likely to get vaccinated if they are offered cash incentives. We have found this to be wildly true! 

Our first D4D event on February 19th at Elizabeth Baptist Church in Slavic Village exceeded our expectations! Instead of the 20 individuals we expected (based on what we were learning from other clinics across the state), we had 172 people vaccinated. We gave out $14,000 in cash incentives, which go directly into the community.

However, the success of the campaign also brings its challenges. If current trends in turnout at the clinics continue, we will end up spending the money we budgeted for the campaign by the end March. 

We are estimating that the campaign will need funding to provide cash incentives to 3,000-6,000 people in low-vaccination neighborhoods, costing between $210,000 to $420,000 in cash incentives. In addition to the cash incentives, funds are needed to cover host church staffing and security.

Please consider a donation to help us sustain this critically important campaign to get as many people as possible vaccinated. You can donate to the Dollars for Doses campaign in two ways:

  1. Mail your donation to Greater Cleveland Congregations, 6114 Francis Ave, Cleveland, OH 44127
  2. Donate online at https://www.greaterclevelandcongregations.org/friends-of-gcc/

Here’s a chance to literally make a real difference is someone’s life! Thank you!

You can read more about the Dollars for Doses campaign here.

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