General Assembly 2022 Highlights

UUA GA June 22 – June 28, 2022
Mark and Kathleen Binnig attended the UUA GA in Portland, Oregon as in person delegates for UUCC. There is so much information we could share with UUCC.  Feel free to contact us. Rather than getting lost in too much information, I’d like to mention a few interesting things we learned. First, some time after Labor Day, all of you will have access to business meetings and most of the sessions that took place, other than the Ware Lecture and a few copyrighted workshops.

General Assembly 2022 Public Video |
Also, UUA Board Meetings are open to the public.   Board Meeting Dates |
You may wish to look at UUA General Assembly Business – Living the democratic process.

Next year GA will be in Pittsburgh, driving distance from Cleveland.  Staying home and being a virtual delegate has a smaller price tag.  But if that cost is still prohibitive, you may inquire about being a delegate for business meetings only. There is no fee for that arrangement. Each year at GA there are Actions of Immediate Witness topics.  I am unclear of the submission procedures for these proposals, but we were asked to vote on the topics proposed.  The three top vote actions are the topics for congregations to study and take action on. 

The Actions of Immediate Witness that were affirmed are:

 1: We Do Not Consent: Rejecting Legal Challenges to Abortion

 2: Anti-Racism and Reparations

 3: Stop Privatization of MedicareFor outcomes of voting at GA, check here.

UUA GA Outcome of Elections and Voting – Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Salem ( Some GA highlights for me were:
*Fahs Lecture by Dr. Sofia Betancourt  based on her book, Ecowomanism at the Panama Canal
*The Service of The Living Tradition with a meaningful sermon by Pastor Jacqueline Duhart-
*Synergy Bridging Service with the youth
*The Power of Climate Justice workshop with Rev. Dr. Bill Sinkford, Oregon State Representative Khanh Pham, Gresham City Council President, Eddy Morales, and Jaimes Vadez, director of the Portland Clean Energy Fund.
*The Ware lecture with Ibram X. Kendi, author of How to Be an Antiracist.
*Rev. Dr. Bill Sinkford received the Distinguished Service Award at the closing business meeting.

submitted by Kathleen Binnig