Who is “Harry’s Kitchen Crew”?
Always looking for new volunteers!
The crew got started over 10 years ago. Harry took over the preparation of the Sunday morning breakfast with a vow that he will serve a hot breakfast and not Bagel & Cream Cheese before Sunday service. Harry asked Ken to help with the preparation of an all-church dinner and he became an integral part of the planning, buying and preparation of the breakfasts and Harry’s Kitchen Crew (“HKC”) was created.
Since that day, each month on the Second Sunday HKC prepared breakfasts and then starting in 2022 (after a hiatus created by Covid) an after-Church Service brunch. HKC tries to create a meal that makes you glad that you went to to Church. HKC tries to take care of the various diets required by our congregation family including vegans and gluten free diets.
Over the past several years, Harry’s Kitchen Crew has been made up of awesome members. They volunteer their time in planning, purchasing supplies, prepping, serving, and cleaning up after Sunday Brunch as well at the catered events. HKC has catered the Stewardship Dinner, the Auction and other all-congregation meals. Over the past five years, HKC has offered an UUCC Auction Item: a private, catered dinner at someone’s home.
The CREW enjoy our time to together and the positive feedback for our efforts. HKC appreciates feedback from attendees as well as the attendee’s donations to help cover the congregation’s expense.
The Kitchen crew consists of Harry Greenfield and Ken Kuehm, (the creative Chefs), and their cooking crew: John Martin, Abe Cohen, Jean & Mike Miller, Jeremy Holmes, Laurie Holmes, Liz Fabry, Cliff Wire, Aaron Burkle, Kevin Ortner, Mike Arrington, Katie Greenfield, Jan & Mike Devereaux, Rob Staib, Sam Cotts, Michael Kuehm, and recently Tom & Cheryl Hanger.
If you want to volunteer to be part of the CREW, feel free to reach out to Harry (email) or Ken (email).
Check out the UUCC calendar or E-blast for the next time you can experience some savory and sweet entrées presented by Harry’s Kitchen Crew.
Thank you UUCC!
Harry and Ken