Help a Ukrainian Family Settle in Cleveland

Global Cleveland is seeking a small group from UUCC of 5 – 8 individuals who would find it meaningful to provide a legal passage for a Ukrainian family seeking to resettle in the Cleveland area. 

This need is urgent, as the Uniting for Ukraine program that provides federal benefits for Ukrainians has a deadline of September 30th. Families should enter the country by that date to have things like Medicaid for their initial stay here. Global Cleveland has begun the process for several families, but volunteer Sponsor Circles are needed to help welcome the families.

Ukrainians get Medicaid and a permission to work when they cross the border and then are also eligible for food stamps and cash assistance until they start earning an income. Finding work and housing, figuring out transportation, and getting young people ready for school are the biggest areas where a Sponsor Circle can be of assistance to a family.  

If you are passionate about organizing a Sponsor Circle, or if you are simply willing to be a part of a UUCC Sponsor Circle, please let Rev. Randy know by emailing [email protected] or calling 216-245-8373.

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