IMPACT Update: January 2021

Greetings from Impact.

Impact has continued to have a busy few months.

Our current director ConnieMarie Mahaffey will be leaving us at the end of January. ConnieMarie will be moving with her family to the Northern Virginia area. Connie Marie has been a wonderful asset to the Impact program and we will certainly miss her. Impact staff, parents, youth, church staff and members have appreciated and benefited from her knowledge, skills and upbeat personality.

We are pleased to announce our new director; Sandy Troupe. Sandy has been the Program Specialist with Impact for the past 3 years. There was a search that started with over 100 applicants, many very qualified; and we ended up with a great candidate! We were all impressed with the experience, plans and enthusiasm that Sandy brings to the position.

Impact students have continued virtual meetings, or in person, when Shaker Middle school students were at the school. The Impact staff has continue to be flexible and innovative.

We are looking forward to the Shaker school systems plans for In-person instruction next week. 

Submitted by : Kim Littell Email: