Issue 1 was defeated on August 8, and we the people won!
This special election was not only special because of the time frame, but special because it felt pivotal in GCC’s Battle for Democracy campaign (
This election interrupted our lives, our summer and our time! It was crucial to show that we Ohioans are worth the effort even when the outcome seemed stacked against us. Over the last five weeks, GCC and its member organizations worked tirelessly to change the narrative of this state. After announcing our first-time-ever statewide position opposing Issue 1 at the June GCC Delegate Assembly, you immediately went into action. In less than a month, you worked non-stop in the dog days of summer to defeat Issue 1. The nation was watching and it sees Ohio is in the fight. Our supporters and allies saw GCC was prepared to fight. You the leaders of GCC were ready for the fight!
But this is not the end. This is the beginning of a moment. We must keep the momentum and grow stronger!
Issue 1 was defeated, and we the people won!