Learn More about GCC: Training Opportunities

Are you interested in learning more about how and why Greater Cleveland Congregations (GCC) does it’s social justice work? GCC’s affiliate organization, the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), is offering 3 excellent training opportunities in May and June, described here.

Last January and February the IAF affiliates located in the states bordering on the Great Lakes, including GCC, offered three very successful and well-attended 90-minute Zoom-based leadership sessions. The demand was so strong that the affiliates are once again offering leadership training in May and June.

Please note that “101” sessions are aimed at newer leaders, and “201” sessions are for more experienced leaders who have already received training on a particular skill or topic and want to go deeper. Here’s the line-up:

1. Introduction to broad-based power (101 only)
Thursday, May 6 or Tuesday, May 11, 7-9pm

2. Why and how to do meaningful and productive one-to-one relational meetings (101 and 201, with breakout groups divided accordingly)
Thursday, May 20 or Tuesday, May 25, 7-9pm

3. Breaking Problems into “Issues can do something about” (101 and 201 with breakout groups divided accordingly)
Thursday, June 3 or Tuesday, June 8, 7-9pm

4. Why and how to do a power analysis (201 only)
Thursday, June 17 or Tuesday, June 22, 7-9pm

Here is the registration link. You will be sent a confirmation and a link to each session. More detailed information about each session is contained in this document.

To learn more and to register for any sessions, contact Pam Gibbon, pamelagibbon1@gmail.com.

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