Molly Watkins

Co-Chair, Board of Trustees (July 2023-June 2025)

Term 2023-26

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Molly, Andrew, Sophie (15), and Drew (12) moved to Shaker Heights in 2011 from Mississippi, where they had called home for 17 years. Originally from Memphis, TN and Southeast Missouri, Molly grew up in a small Methodist church. One of the reasons that they were excited to move to Cleveland was the possibility of joining a UU congregation as they felt that UU better
represented their values. They initially joined West Shore UU and were members for about 5 years before switching to First UU. They officially joined UUCC after the merge. Molly served on the youth religious education committee for 3 years and then moved to the adult religious education committee. She also helped with the communication and website team for a few years. Molly is in the
Chancel Choir, the Women’s Ensemble, and co-directs the YoUUth Choir. She also has
facilitated several ARE classes.

Molly has a BA in Communication and Theater, an MA in English with a Teaching English as a Second Language emphasis, and PhD in Higher Education. She is currently the Assistant Provost for International Affairs at Case Western Reserve University, where she helps the university with its internationalization strategy, international risk management, education abroad, international student services, and teaches when they let her. Her interests are in developing cultural awareness and helping students, faculty, and staff grow in their global citizenship. Molly and Andrew served in the Peace Corps in Sichuan, China for two years.

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