ARE Class on “The Wire”!

Our new ARE Class, “The Wire,” Social Justice and our UU Principles, begins March 13th at 9:30 am Sunday mornings on zoom. With facilitators Dr. Allan Georgia and Bob Horan.

“The Wire” is a TV program that goes well beyond TV programs. It is now a celebrated piece of literature that has captured what happened in American cities in the early 00’s in a way nothing else has. It is fiction drawn from life, but also an insightful engagement with the ways America and specifically its drug policies enacted on American cities have shaped especially communities of color throughout our nation.

Allan and Bob are going to be leading a discussion with participants along the lines you’d expect to use in a literature discussion—form, character, context, theme, etc—so our exchanges should be wide-ranging. We would like to use our UU Seven Principles as our reference points—if not as our interpretive framework. This is a chance to bring our values about social justice into conversation with some of the difficult, complex and oftentimes paradoxical realities of the social world we inhabit. 

This program is exceptional for how attentive it is to things we do not usually put in our media. It is difficult to watch, and it includes very mature elements including violence, profanity and sexuality. The program itself never uses these in a salacious way, but it appears often in the program. So please take this warning as a caution in case that kind of content is not something you are comfortable watching. 

Be in touch with Bob Horan or Allan Georgia if you are interested!

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