Notes from our DRE August 2021: Religious Education for 2021-2022!

We’re coming out of the most unprecedented church year in the last 100 years. No one was prepared for COVID and no one had a plan for now to navigate all of the things that we’ve been wrestling with in the last two years. In that time, we’ve learned how to do all kinds of things differently. We’ve also discovered things that are absolutely essential and crucial to our lives as well as things that are not as important as we thought they were. 

Going forward, what I realize I’ve learned is that plans are precious and complicated things. Plans often go awry, and Murphy’s Law is always hanging around to frustrate them. Of course, this doesn’t prevent us from having a brainstorm list or a way forward or even a process for making decisions. So, looking at this coming year, I’m thinking about a brainstorm rather than a plan. 

 So, with that in mind, the fall is steaming ahead right at us, and it’s time to start preparing for what that might look like! 

Youth Religious Education!

We hope to be back with our whole program: K – 12 Sunday morning classes, Coming of Age for our 8th graders, re-starting our sequence of O.W.L. courses (with some concessions and shifts around for the classes interrupted or canceled because of COVID.) We also need teachers and volunteers to help cover classes, join our O.W.L. teacher team, and to help with other Y.R.E. programs. So reach out if you’d like to be involved.

Adult Religious Education!

We are continuing with our ARE framework this year with some exciting new courses offered in our 6-week format. We’re still developing specific courses and arranging teachers. But now is a great time to suggest a topic or volunteer to join in planning or facilitating! So reach out any time!

All Kinds of Other Programs!

There’s all kinds of other things to get involved with here at UUCC. And the RE space will have all kinds of things to get involved in as we get our wheels turning. We always need more and new voices on the YRE committee. We also are hoping to honor Senior High students who’ve had to leave will come back and celebrate us and our program together with their older and younger program peers. 

So, there’s never been a better time to get involved––because while I can’t say that we have firm plans for what this Fall will look like, we are preparing to make the very best out of whatever comes. So join now to help with the planning, the re-plaining, the organization, and the classrooms! We need your help!

Allan T. Georgia

M.Div., M.T.S., PhD


Director of Religious Education (Lifespan Faith Development)

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Cleveland

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