Operations Council Update November 2021

  1. Regathering Matters
    1. Air purifiers with HEPA filters acquired and in operation in sanctuary and other areas that may contain larger numbers of people to optimize indoor safety
      1. Additional units being ordered
    2. Refinements being made to indoor worship service operations routinely as issues are being identified
      1. Example: Blue “x” denoting where attendees should sit have been placed on top of pews for better attendee visibility
    3. Board members and others recruited to support ushers in guiding people to seating in the sanctuary (and Fellowship Hall, when needed) that is consistent with our pandemic safety policies
    4. Regathering Committee continuing to meet, addressing additional issues as other issues are resolved. Among the upcoming issues: How to handle coffee hour when it’s too cold to hold it outside?
  1. Sound system update: Have one bid in hand, awaiting one from a second vendor. Decision point is approaching
  1. Events
    1. Kol HaLev – Assessing indoor space options with B&G
    2. Several other events scheduled:  Halloween Party outdoors for congregants on  10/23, memorial service indoors on 10/31, James A. Garfield Memorial Society using our facility as a rest stop on their annual run on 11/13.
  1. Building and Grounds
    1. Building security – Cameras and monitors are now operational with our wifi and phone system
    2. Custodian hired for evenings and alternate weekends – Vertis Nelson
    3. New carpeting to be installed October 26/27  – East entry – foyer upstairs and downstairs; west entry – handicap ramp restricted fund
    4. Planning to patch the section of roof around skylight – awaiting proposal from vendor
    5. Parking lot will have asphalt patch work completed this Fall; sealing/restriping occurring in late spring
    6. Loop system being installed in sanctuary to support those with hearing issues
  1. Internet Connectivity  – Work completed by outside vendor during week of 10/18; wifi access should now be available throughout all areas of the facility identified by volunteers and staff 
  1. Social Media – Task Force being convened – Volunteers and staff – to assess needs, process to be used and others to be involved 
  1. Administrator Recruitment – Shirley Nelson’s last day is October 29. We’re in the process of interviewing candidates to assume this role, recognizing that we really can’t replace Shirley.