Process Overview
We’re planning on spending the entire Fall communicating to our congregants about this initiative in all sorts of venues and manners, so that we all understand what we’re doing, why we’re doing it, and the process for moving forward, so that all can engage in this process in whatever manner they feel most comfortable – from knowledgeable, supportive congregant to one of the teams that proposes an initiative.
NOTE: To be eligible for consideration, a project must be proposed by UUCC Committees, groups, staff, or groups of three or more voting members of the Congregation from different households. Initiatives that are targeted to benefit the external community may have non-UUCC partners as members of the proposal team, but UUCC voting members or staff must propose all initiatives.
We intend to use a two-step process for the development and review of ideas that members and staff may develop:
- Letters of Intent – In January, teams will develop Letters of Intent (LOI) – A brief description of what they would like to have funded. Those who are interested in developing a Letter of Intent will be able to access training and support from the SIT Force throughout the development process. LOIs are currently anticipated to be due by January 31, with SIT Force determination of the potential projects selected to move forward completed by February 15.
The projected timing and process will enable the SIT Force to gain a sense of the initiatives that our congregation is most interested in pursuing, pursue consolidation of similar concepts, and provide guidance and redirection for any initiatives that are very unlikely to be ultimately approved by the SIT Force.
Note that the LOI will be a brief (1-2 page) document, so that those who wish to propose an initiative can do so while expending a nominal amount of time and not having to worry about whether they’ve “formatted” their concept appropriately.
- Project Proposals – The creators of the LOIs that are approved to proceed to the second phase will then develop a Project Proposal during the late February to mid-May period (precise timing to be determined). During this period, those who have a legitimate opportunity of being approved for funding will be asked to complete a more comprehensive proposal that provides more details regarding what they intend to do, how they intend to do it, when they anticipate implementing their initiative, the impact they anticipate having and the timing of that impact.
As in the LOI phase, the SIT Force will provide multiple opportunities and methods for supporting those who are developing proposals. This will provide all proposers with the best opportunity for developing a document that clearly describes what they intend to do and how it supports UUCC’s mission, vision, and strategic plan.
The SIT Force currently intends to use the following schedule:
- SIT Force review all proposals and funding/approval recommendations to the UUCC Board by mid-June.
- Final Board approvals to occur at the June 2023 Board meeting
- All proposers – both those that are funded and those that are not – receiving communications regarding the status of their proposal by the end of June.