Speaker: Dr. Allan Georgia

Hive Energy

As we learn how crucial honeybees and other pollinators are to our world, what can we learn about what it means to see one another as part of one hive?

Natural Aliens

Can we redeem our own lives into a greater connection with the living world around us?

How Nature Does Community

What can an earth full of communities teach us about being in community in our congregation, our city, our nation, our world?

Religious Education

Unitarian Universalism is all about a life-time of exploration, growth and self-examination. And that’s why “education” is such a big part of our community. From our youngest kids to our most sage elders, we are committed to the idea that this kind of learning is … read more.

How To Suppose Responsibly

One of the great strengths of Unitarian Universalism is its openness to thinking about God in all kinds of ways. Join us as we conclude by considering how our beliefs intersect with our lives and how faith ought to be a well of personal strength instead of a venue for societal conflict.

Suppose God…Evolves with Us

One of the great strengths of Unitarian Universalism is its openness to thinking about God in all kinds of ways. Join us this week as we imagine God not as an unchanging, static power, but as a dynamic and evolving partner in our own growth and evolution.

Suppose God…is in Everything

One of the great strengths of Unitarian Universalism is its openness to thinking about God in all kinds of ways. Join us this week as we imagine a transcendent God who is imbued in the whole world around us, if we are attentive enough to look for it.

Suppose God…is Everywhere

One of the great strengths of Unitarian Universalism is its openness to thinking about God in all kinds of ways. Join us this week as we imagine that God is the world, the universe––indeed, everything around us.