Our Beliefs

Unitarian Universalists’ beliefs are diverse and expansive. We do not have a mandatory creed that outlines what all members must believe. Instead, we agree to uphold Seven Principles that support “the free and responsible search for truth and meaning.” UUCC has adopted the 8th Principle that asks us to confront systems of oppression and foster diverse communities. Though Unitarianism and Universalism were both liberal Christian traditions, this responsible search has led us to an inclusive spirituality drawn from six sources: from scriptural wisdom to personal experience to modern day heroes.
In Unitarian Universalism, you can bring your whole self: your experiences and dreams, your curiosity and compassion, your worries and hopes, your doubts and discoveries.
Unitarian Universalists are committed to improving the world here and now. Whether it’s within our local community, our country, or the whole wide world, we advocate for justice, equity, compassion, peace, and liberty.
Together, we create a force more powerful than one person or one belief system. As UUs, we do not have to check our personal backgrounds and beliefs at the door: we join together on a journey that honors our unique paths. We think for ourselves, and reflect together, about important questions:
- The existence of a Higher Power
- Life and Death
- Sacred Texts
- Inspiration and Guidance
- Prayer and Spiritual Practices
Learn more about Unitarian Universalists from a variety of beliefs and backgrounds: Atheist/Agnostic, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Humanist, Jewish, Muslim, Pagan, and more.
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