The Strategic Investment Task (SIT) Force was created by the Board at the same time the Sue McKimm fund was established, for the purpose of creating and managing the process of identifying initiatives that are most worthy of investment and then overseeing and supporting implementation of the selected initiatives. There have been three phases of SIT Force activity:

Phase 1: November – December 2021. During this phase, the SIT Force conceptualized the initiative, developed the name, and developed the overall structure for proceeding

Phase 2: June 2022 – July 2023. The actual process for developing, soliciting, and selecting proposals for funding was developed and implemented during this phase. Ongoing communications with the congregation pertaining to the initiative were developed and implemented.

Phase 3: July 2023 – Present. The projects selected for funding began their implementation processes. SIT3, as the current iteration of the SIT force is now called, provides oversight and implementation support to the teams who are implementing their proposals.

The Prime Directive for the SIT Force, developed in July, 2022 is:

The Strategic Investment Task Force (SIT Force) is responsible for making significant investments in a limited number of initiatives that further the mission, vision, and strategic plan of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Cleveland (UUCC). These strategic investments could, among other things, support our justice work in the external community, support the strengthening of our internal community, support our spiritual development activities, maintain/improve our facility, and increase awareness of our congregation in the community. The initial funds for these strategic investments come from the Sue McKimm Fund for Congregational Advancement, in memory of UUCC member Sue McKimm.

Team Membership

The SIT Force is composed of a blend of Board members, other members of the congregation, and staff. Membership has evolved as the process has moved from one phase to the next, with some team member changes made based on personal circumstances and the needs of the initiative.

Phase 1 members: Laurie Albright, Erika Brown, Carol Gay, Allan Georgia, Ray Gonzalez, Barbie Jones, David Kantor (team facilitator), Christie Manning, Tom McKenna, Shane Millette, Rev. Randy Partain, Terry Robbins, Lou Salza, Don Stimpert

Phase 2 members: Laurie Albright, Mark Assel, Erika Brown, Sharon Edmond, Carol Gay, Allan Georgia, Amy Glesius, Ray Gonzalez, Barbie Jones, David Kantor (team facilitator), Tom McKenna, Rev. Randy Partain, Lou Salza, Don Stimpert, Heather Torok

Phase 3 members (SIT3): Laurie Albright, Alicia Burkle, Carol Gay, David Kantor (team facilitator), Tom McKenna, Terry Robbins, Molly Watkins (through June 2024)

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