The Angus MacLean Memorial Garden

The Memorial Garden is a reminder of the inter- connected web of life.  As a final resting place for members who have gone before us, it is a place to hold them close in our thoughts and hearts cherishing their gifts and presence among us.  May we find inspiration from their lives, comfort in our loss, andcourage to live our own lives with integrity and gratitude.

The garden is a sacred space, a place of quiet beauty and reverence. It is a place to connect the living with the past exemplifying a caring community for persons known and unknown to us. The garden invites you to come and stay, to be comforted or refreshed.

The garden honors Dr. Angus MacLean, our beloved minster of religious education from 1961 to 1967 after a long career as Professor of Religious Education and Dean at the Theological School of St. Lawrence University. His significance was in his unswerving service as an advocate and writer in the cause of religious education for children and adults and as preacher, administrator and leader during the final illness of our Minister, Dr. Robert Killam. Scholar that he was, Angus taught us not so much from books as from the example of his own life, with a candor, honesty and  grace that made it always a joy to be in his presence. We shall be eternally grateful that his life touched ours for as long as it did.

The names of those in the garden are engraved on a plaque hanging in the rear of the sanctuary.  A notebook in the church library contains short bios or obituaries of those inhabitants for whom information could be found.

To obtain permission to use the Memorial Garden   for receiving a loved one’s ashes or arranging a Memorial Service, please contact the church office at 216-751-2320.   For those who wish to use the garden for a loved one we request a small donation (currently $75) towards the nameplate on the plaque and the perpetual care of the garden.  This is a discretionary fee that can be waived by the minister.  Our minister and staff will be happy to assist you.

Volunteers appreciated: The garden is cared for by volunteers, and overseen by Jackie Stimpert and John Barber. We emphasize native plants that support biodiversity in our work in the garden.

Cleveland Memorial Society: The Cleveland Memorial Society, with an office at UUCC, is a non-profit, non-sectarian organization dedicated to simplicity, economy, dignity and forethought in funeral arrangements. The brief time it takes now for thoughtful planning and making a record of your wishes will become a lasting gift of your love to your family and survivors. With a one-time $25 fee, the Memorial Society provides access to reduced-fee funeral services with one of our Funeral Directors; planning forms, newsletters and resources to assist you with the process.

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