Topic: Renewal

Idle Games

As we conclude our month on the theme of renewal, we take a moment to acknowledge just how challenging it is for many human beings to allow ourselves to experience deeply nourishing rest. Maybe we even need to start by tricking our minds into idleness. … read more.

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Rejoicing Even When It Isn’t Safe

Some of us may have learned that when things feel “safe”, we’re about to experience something painful. We get nervous when things are too quiet. We’re constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. These may be our personal experiences, or the experiences of people … read more.

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The Cry for Connection

Our parents and caregivers teach us an abundance of lessons as we grow up. Some of those lessons are probably unintentional. And some may not be the lessons we most need. We may hold deep gratitude and still benefit from a renewed sense of connection, … read more.

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The Jenga of Life

Jenga,’ which means ‘to build’ in Swahili, is a popular game worldwide. In The Jenga of Life, we will explore how we can build and balance the blocks of our lives to create a strong, vibrant, and meaningful existence. Uncover insights on maintaining stability, embracing … read more.

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Fixer Upper

How we approach the work of nurturing greater wholeness and well-being depends largely on our perspectives of the world. Do we say the world is falling apart? Unraveling around us? Or could we imagine the world as a “fixer upper” that could be all we … read more.

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