UUCC Helping FDR off to a great start for the 24-25 School year! Many hands make a difference! This summer UUCC volunteers met with FDR staff to learn how we can support their good work. (Franklin D Roosevelt Academy is a PreK-8 Cleveland Public School in the Glenville neighborhood we have partnered with for 8 years.) Using money collected in the plate for FDR, Becky Burns and Pam Gibbon went shopping for teacher tote supplies (35). Mary Ellen McNulty and granddaughter Zoe shopped for book bags for the entire kindergarten class. On Sunday August 11, congregants stuffed teacher totes and packed them into vehicles. Monday morning, Mary Ellen McNulty, Vern Sackman, and Laurie Albright delivered them to FDR. We then stuffed district provided school supplies into the 60 book bags UUCC provided, and then stuffed other backpacks with 1st grade supplies. Another congregation is stuffing 35 more teacher totes, so that ALL faculty and staff will start the year with supplies they normally pay out of their own pocket. As a bonus donation, Kerry Breitenbach and Ryan McGuire donated 2 big bags of binders, paper, notebooks, pens and more. All were gratefully received by Darrell Everette, Say Yes Coordinator, Michelle Smith, kindergarten teacher, and Sherie Turner, Principal. Many thanks to the VERY helpful custodial staff and to student helper Allan for the “people photo”. UUCC volunteers were also present at the “back to school” bash on Thursday August 15, where families selected book bags and other items, met their teachers, and more. Special thanks to Rev Jacquie Zarley for initiating the bookbag idea.