UUCC Safety Team

December 10, 2023 after the bountiful potluck The Congregational Conversation featured an introduction to the newly formed Safety Team and discussion led by some members of the Safety Team. 
members include:
 Alicia Burkle
Allan Georgia
Rev. Randy,
Dell Salza,
Mark Weber,
 Barbara Hill-Newby

Meeting summary:
 *Rev. Randy, Dell Salza, Mark Weber, and Barbara Hill-Newby discussed the wide range of topics included in Congregational Safety. 
*Table Talks elicited important feedback from members about feeling safe at UUCC and areas of priority to address in a shared discussion. 
*Four members expressed interest in joining the Team
* You will hear more from us as we begin to act on some of the issues you identified.

For more information about congregational safety, please read