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UU Climate Justice Revival at UUCC this week-end!!

September 28, 2024 @ 9:00 am 1:00 pm

Join us for conversations, worship, laughter, joy, and hopefulness to facilitate the massive culture shift necessary to address the linked issues of climate change and justice. This is an all-congregation event – all voices are needed! And, of course, refreshments!

September 28, 9 am – 1 pm, UUCC Fellowship Hall

We will take part in interactive workshops and activities. UU Side with Love is providing the content for UU congregations across the country to hold their own events. UUCC’s UU Ministry for Earth Committee is facilitating, in collaboration with other congregational groups.

September 29, 10:15 – 1 pm, Special Worship and Organizing Hour

A climate justice-themed worship service will be followed by an Organizing Hour for adults and high school youth, while children K-8 participate in related RE activities.

Register online (suggested but not required): https://forms.gle/DbqVQfmsMBaz1GfD9

(Registration for children has passed—there will be no childcare or children’s activities on Saturday but all children are encouraged to come on Sunday for worship and RE on Sunday). High school youth are encouraged to attend the Saturday morning workshop.

Contact Nancy King Smith or Mary Schatzman with questions.

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