Route to a Cleaner Energy Ohio

Speaker: Grant Goodrich, Executive Director, CWRU Great Lakes Energy Institute will provide an overview of the state of clean energy in Ohio, and discuss innovative technologies and strategies that are creating new opportunities for Ohioans to consider.  According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, Ohio is among the top 10 states for total energy consumption; however, … Continue reading Route to a Cleaner Energy Ohio

Save the Date – Women’s Weekend at Punderson

Mark your calendars now and save some time to enjoy the company of other UU women at Punderson State Park. It's a casual weekend with little or no programming. April 25, 4 p.m.-Aprill 27, 10 a.m. You are welcome to come for part or all of that time. Circle the dates!

UUCC Women’s Punderson Weekend

Everyone who identifies as a woman is welcome to join us at Punderson State Park, Friday April 25 from4:00 p.m. until Sunday April 27 at 10:00 a.m. Stay one night, two nights, or just come for whatever partof Saturday you're able. We talk, we walk, we eat, we play games, we do a one-group activity … Continue reading UUCC Women’s Punderson Weekend

100 Days In: An Open Floor Discussion on the Trump Administration

Moderators: Laurie Albright and Mark Weber, Activists Many Americans foresaw a catastrophic collapse of a lawfully governing democracy under a Trump administration, while a slightly larger percentage anticipated a golden age marked by the creative dismantling of dysfunctional governmental systems. So … how’s it going? Is democracy holding up? How’s the economy? What’s the state … Continue reading 100 Days In: An Open Floor Discussion on the Trump Administration