Immigration: Net Drain or Net Gain? Effects of Illegal Immigration on America

Speakers: Brian Hoffman, Attorney, Founding Executive Director, Ohio Center for Strategic Immigration,Litigation & Outreach (OCSILIO); Anne Hill, President, Americans Making Immigrants Safe (AMIS). We have heard about the perils and hardships that people fleeing war-torn and famine-stricken areas endure in order to travel to the U.S. and seek better lives for themselves and their families, … Continue reading Immigration: Net Drain or Net Gain? Effects of Illegal Immigration on America

Route to a Cleaner Energy Ohio

Speaker: Grant Goodrich, Executive Director, CWRU Great Lakes Energy Institute According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, Ohio is among the top 10 states for total energy consumption; however, Ohio ranks 40th out of 50 states in the race toward renewable energy progress. In 2021, just 4% of the state’s electricity was supplied by renewables, … Continue reading Route to a Cleaner Energy Ohio

Save the Date – Women’s Weekend at Punderson

Mark your calendars now and save some time to enjoy the company of other UU women at Punderson State Park. It's a casual weekend with little or no programming. April 25, 4 p.m.-Aprill 27, 10 a.m. You are welcome to come for part or all of that time. Circle the dates!

100 Days In: An Open Floor Discussion on the Trump Administration

Moderators: Laurie Albright and Mark Weber, Activists Many Americans foresaw a catastrophic collapse of a lawfully governing democracy under a Trump administration, while a slightly larger percentage anticipated a golden age marked by the creative dismantling of dysfunctional governmental systems. So … how’s it going? Is democracy holding up? How’s the economy? What’s the state … Continue reading 100 Days In: An Open Floor Discussion on the Trump Administration