Samhain Celebration

The UUCC Earth-Centered Spirituality Group will be holding a Samhain celebration on Sunday, October 29th at 6:00 p.m.
Samhain is the Feast of the Ancestors. It is also the New Year in the Celtic tradition. We will honor our ancestors and spend time contemplating the turning of the Wheel into the new year.

November Listening Circle: Vision

Thursday, November 9, from 12:30-2:00 PM over Zoom we’ll explore our hopes and vision for our congregation. Sign up for our November 9 Listening Circle here:

Exploring Restorative Justice for Cleveland

Explore Restorative Justice for Cleveland at a Movie Night and Community Dialogue on Thursday, November 9th from 6:00 to 8:30 pm at the Urban Community School. The film, Healing Justice, will be shown. Read more

November Listening Circle: Values

Saturday, November 18, from 10:00-11:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall, we’ll respond to the value of Generosity. Sign up for our November 18 Listening Circle here:

Pride for All Ages

Pride for All Ages, an intergenerational group for LGBTQ+ people, meets on Sunday, July 23 in the Baker Room following the service.