Proposals Due
Details TBD
Details TBD
A good-humored group of people trims, weeds, plants, and putters from 10 AM to Noon or so. We welcome your help and your company. Can't come every week? That is OK! Come when you can. Have questions? Contact Tom Gibson or Dan Homans. We meet every Wednesday during the garden season Bring yourself and your … Continue reading Permaculture Garden/Orchard Maintenance: help wanted
Disney Musical, The Aristocats Saturday, May 20, 2 pm FDR Academy, 800 Linn Drive, Cleveland 44108 This year FDR is performing Disney’s “Aristocats”. UUCC support this year includes some hands-on and financial help with snacks, scenery/ costumes, providing a videographer, and a cake for the cast party. Special recognition is due to our own Becky … Continue reading FDR Musical Play: Aristocats
UUCC Delegates to the 2023 General Assembly will share results from the 2023 UUCC General Assembly Survey and facilitate a discussion about what has been learned. The goal is to provide guidance to the Delegates who will be voting on Article II at GA and involve the congregation more in the issue. A follow-up survey … Continue reading Congregational Conversation: Article II & GA
Help wanted in the UUCC garden every wednesday during the rowing season 10 am to 12 noon
Composting Tour at Rustbelt Riders Free Tour Ministry for Earth is sponsoring up to 15 people for a tour of RBR’s facility on Wed, May 24th @ 11am on 2701 St Clair Ave, Cleveland. 1 hour tour + Q&A. Please contact Dana Hercbergs Call: 216-816-8675
GCC Delegate Assembly in Person
The words we use matter. But the words we don’t use matter too. I have been hoping to find a way to talk about words and what is wrapped up in them, especially when our spirituality is at issue. Here’s my attempt at that: a set of conversations about some of the words we don’t … Continue reading UU Taboos: Sin
A good-humored group of people trims, weeds, plants, and putters from 10 AM to Noon or so. We welcome your help and your company. Can’t come every week? That is OK! Come when you can. Have questions? Contact Tom Gibson or Dan Homans. We meet every Wednesday during the garden season Bring yourself and your favorite … Continue reading Permaculture Garden/Orchard Maintenance: help wanted
The Board of Trustees will be holding a zoom session to present and discuss the proposed changes to the Code of Regulations. This meeting will be held on Zoom on Thursday, June 1, at 7 pm. Please register here if you would like to attend. The proposed changes are available via the Annual Meeting Agenda. … Continue reading Board Presentation on Proposed Changes to the Code of Regulations
Join UUCC’s Pride for All Ages group for the Pride Parade and Festival. We’ll meet at 9:00 a.m. at the Shaker Building and hop the Rapid to the staging area. Staging starts at 10:00, with kickoff at 11:00. If you don’t want to meet up beforehand, just look for our banner. This is a fun, … Continue reading March with Pride for All Ages
Please join us for a fun and informative tour of the UUCC Shaker building immediately after service.