2024-25 Budget Proposal Meeting

On Thursday May 23 there will be a meeting via Zoom regarding the UUCC budget for the church fiscal year 2024-25.  Meeting time 7:30-8:30.  Zoom link to come.

UUCC Night at the Theatre!

Join your UUCC friends at Ensemble Theatre for The Prospect of Equality, the story of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Opening Night with Pay as you Can and scrumptious wine reception after on Friday, May 24th at 7:30 pm.

Pride for All Ages May 2024

Pride for All Ages, an intergenerational group for LGBTQ+ people, meets the 4th Sunday of every month. Our next meeting is May 26 at 11:30 in the Baker Room. Join us! We socialize, talk about the theme of the service, plan activities and events, and build community. All LGBTQ+ people welcome!

May 2024 UUCC Board Meeting

UUCC is governed by an elected Board of Trustees. The Board is responsible for determining and upholding the mission and vision of our congregation, as well as for making financial and legal decisions. The Board of Trustees meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month. All Congregation Members are welcome to attend Board meetings, except when an Executive … Continue reading May 2024 UUCC Board Meeting

UUCC 2024 Annual Meeting

The UUCC Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, June 2, 2024, following the UUCC Sunday Worship Service. This service is our Flower Communion which will be held outdoors on the East Lawn, as will the annual meeting (both weather permitting). All members are urged to attend. The membership list is posted on the Board … Continue reading UUCC 2024 Annual Meeting

Congregational Picnic

Celebrate the beginning of summer at UUCC by attending the annual picnic immediately following the UUCC Annual Meeting. Harry's Kitchen Crew is glad to help support and grillin' the main Entrees for the All-Church Picnic following the Annual Meeting. HKC will grill burgers and brats for the church community and provide cold beverages. This is … Continue reading Congregational Picnic

FACTOhio Distinguished Speaker – Sat. June 15, 2024, 3 pm

“What Owls Know” Author, Jennifer Ackerman, is the next FACTOhio Distinguished Speaker - Saturday, June 15, 2024, 3 pm,  Zoom. Jennifer Ackerman illuminates the rich biology and natural history of owls and reveals remarkable new scientific discoveries about their brains and behavior. She joins scientists in the field and explores how researchers are using modern technology … Continue reading FACTOhio Distinguished Speaker – Sat. June 15, 2024, 3 pm

A Celebration of Allan Georgia

It's almost time! A celebration of Allan Georgia’s time as Director of Religious Education at UUCC will be held on June 16 following the service. All are invited. We’ll have cake, an open microphone for those who wish to share thoughts or stories about Allan, and who knows what else… As Allan announced in February, … Continue reading A Celebration of Allan Georgia