Brexit:  Financial, US and International Impact

Speaker: Elliot Posner, Professor and Acting Chair, CWRU Department of Political Science Alliances among nations are weakening.  Why does Great Britain want to leave the European Union? Might other countries leave the EU also?  How does this affect us?  If Britain’s tariff-free status with other EU members is eliminated, how will US trade and travel … Continue reading Brexit:  Financial, US and International Impact

Diversity and Inclusion: Top Down or Bottom Up?

Speaker(s): Randall McShepard, Vice-President of Public Affairs, RPM, Inc, and Chair, Policy Bridge; John Paul Stephens, Associate Professor, Organizational Behavior, CWRU Weatherhead School of Managemen What constitutes a healthy, growing, diverse Community?  Is it passionate commitment from the bottom up, or engaged leadership from the top down? What are the impediments to develop new diverse … Continue reading Diversity and Inclusion: Top Down or Bottom Up?

Gender Issues,  Challenges, and New Directions

Speaker(s): Phyllis Harris,  Director, LGBT Center of Greater Cleveland; Dr. Henry NG, Physician, Cleveland Clinic Center for LGBT+Care; Ayron Evans; Ellie Turan Gender exists on a spectrum.  Trans and non-binary identities are reality for an increasing number of people.   Are our individual actions and language inclusive in a proactive, healthy way? What steps can be … Continue reading Gender Issues,  Challenges, and New Directions

Age Friendly Cleveland and My Future:  What’s Coming?

Speakers: Will Tarter, Public Policy and External Affairs Associate, Center for Community Solutions;  Mary McNamara, Director, Cleveland Department of Aging Aging in place works!  Cleveland is home to more than 70,000 people age 60 and older who have a wide range of characteristics, abilities, strengths and needs.  The new Age-Friendly Cleveland Action Plan, developed by the … Continue reading Age Friendly Cleveland and My Future:  What’s Coming?

Renewable Energy Action Plans – Is Your Town Included?

Speaker: Tom Bullock, Member, Local Government's Clean Energy Caucus and Member, Lakewood City Council Given global warming, city and suburban governments are collaborating via a Caucus to dramatically increase clean energy by 2025. LED street lights, solar systems in government buildings, clean power purchases, and other action plans are being debated and approved by local … Continue reading Renewable Energy Action Plans – Is Your Town Included?