Guns, Violence, Public Safety: What’s Happening Locally?

In person or on Zoom Speakers: Jarod Schlacht, Commander #6138, Cleveland Division of Police, First District; Rachel Lovell, Director, Criminology Research Center, CSU Black Americans are 10 times more likely to be killed by gun violence than their white counterparts.  Sixty-three percent of Republicans and Democrats are frustrated by the lack of gun laws. Ohio … Continue reading Guns, Violence, Public Safety: What’s Happening Locally?

Canceled Creating Human Solidarity Workshop

Both sessions of the Creating Human Solidarity Workshop have been canceled (2/9 at UUCC and 2/10 at West Shore). The Soul Focused Group will be processing refunds for everyone who registered.

West Shore Social Action Film Series presents Fix It: Healthcare at the Tipping Point

FIX IT: Healthcare at the Tipping Point is a powerful documentary film that reaches across the political and ideological divide to expand support for major healthcare reform. With more than forty voices advocating for reform: activists, health policy experts, economists, physicians, nurses, patients, business and labor leaders, this documentary takes an in-depth look into how … Continue reading West Shore Social Action Film Series presents Fix It: Healthcare at the Tipping Point

Second Sunday Brunch and Congregational Marketplace

On February 11th during the Second Sunday Brunch, with food from the fabulous Harry's Kitchen Crew, the Leadership Development Committee invites you to participate in a Congregational Marketplace! Brunch Let's see… Punxsutawney Phil and Buckeye Chuck all agree that an Early Spring is coming. So, Harry Kitchen Crew is offering another in "Springful" Lunch this … Continue reading Second Sunday Brunch and Congregational Marketplace

Circle Suppers are Coming

Please join fellow UUCCers at a Circle Supper on Saturday, February 17! Circle Suppers are a meal at a congregant’s home with a small group of UUCCers – those who are new to UUCC, those who have been around forever, and those in between. It is a great opportunity to have good food and conversation … Continue reading Circle Suppers are Coming

Monopolies: Google, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft

Speakers: Jenny Hawkins, Associate Professor of Economics, Weatherhead School of Management, CWRU, in conversation with Anet Alon-Beck, Associate Professor, School of Law, CWRU. Google, Amazon, Apple and Microsoft are the 4 most valuable American companies and 4 of the top 5 most valuable companies in the world. More than 90% of all search queries are … Continue reading Monopolies: Google, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft

Side with Love T-shirts available

Side with Love T-shirts:
There are 3 extra-large and 3 small t-shirts left for sale at $15 a shirt or for free.  A congregant has offered to pay for any who cannot afford to buy them. 

Film Discussion: Origin

Film Discussion at UUC:sponsored by the UUCC Racial Justice Leadership TeamSunday, Feb 18, 11:45-12:45 PM  Room 106 If people want to participate by Zoom, they can email Suzanne at   The film "Origin" is both heartfelt and instructive about how caste systems have operated in the US, Germany, and India. It is a biographical film of the … Continue reading Film Discussion: Origin