We took on several new practices when we resumed gathering in person in the Sanctuary after COVID had everyone spending some time apart. One of those practices was to check-in with a “contact tracing” QR Code in each Sunday’s Order of Service. This allowed us to reach out to everyone who filled out the form in the event that someone tested positive for COVID in the days (or hours) following Sunday morning activities.
That practice is being discontinued. Our new practice, which I hope you will all wholeheartedly embrace, is for each of us to take responsibility for reaching out to those with whom we spent time in close personal contact in the event that we become aware of illness. You can use your membership directory for this purpose, and you can decide whether it will be best to email, call, or text one another when you realize that you may have unintentionally exposed another community member to COVID.
Other practices from our regathering plan will remain in place, including having windows open and fans on to circulate air during worship services. We will also have air purifiers appropriate to our gathering spaces, and we will continue to have some pews designated as “social distancing” pews for those who prefer this level of safety.
I trust that we will all continue to care impeccably for one another as we continue to learn and adjust our practices regarding health and safety.
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