Air flow plan to improve circulation to help combat Covid 19: This will be referred to B&G to to begin implementing it. An Air King window fan will be purchased as a prototype to determine if its noise/pitch level will be low enough for Sunday Services in the Sanctuary. Ray will provide Rita with the specifics; she will purchase the fan and book it to B&G’s budget.
Sound system update: Mike reported that All Pro has set 4/4 as the installation date baring any last minute delays in securing materials. They will provide operations instruction to staff and volunteers in the evening of 4/6 and should complete the install by 4/8. Ken and Mike will met shortly to discuss any electrical work that UUCC will have provide prior to the installation. Once the work is completed, Warren Brown will upgrade the sound system for the hearing impaired; he has been notified of the time frame and is prepared to do this work.
ReGathering Committee: Randy reported that the ReGathering Committee recommended having a social hour after Sunday Services with masking still in place and no coffee served. The Committee will meet on 3/29 and may make additional recommendations. Small groups (49 people and less) may be unmasked if those meeting unanimously agree to be unmasked. Masking is still required in common areas of the building, e.g. hallways, stairways, rest rooms. Rita will contact Carol Gay to obtain an update Covid 19 requirements and send them to all renters and other users of building spaces.
Kol Halev congregation canceled their meeting for March and will try for April
Buildings & Grounds
Repair of roof, hallway ceiling, ceiling tiles and overhang roof: Ken has been in contact with the contractor who is trying to schedule a crew to do the work.
Cleaning Service started: Ken reported that they will start soon using their usual cleaning materials until we provide them with our recommendations.
Custodian’s phone: Michael committed to completing this within the next week.
How to view persons ringing the door bell when the door is locked. Michael and Ken will research getting a security camera with audio to be included in our current security camera system. They will also look an door camera system or intercom system that would be viewable by app.
Training of volunteers for door locking and unlocking: tabled
Closing of building due to weather or other issues. Ray and Randy led a detailed review and clarification of the UUCC Inclement Weather Building Closure Procedures which is now named the UUCC Emergency Building Closure Procedures. Essentially the Procedures calls for the Minister to determine if the building should be closed based on the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Weather Warning. The Minister then calls the Church Administrator and the Events Coordinator who notify all Members, Staff and users of the Building’s spaces. The building may be opened after 2 pm if the Weather Warning has been canceled.
Additional EV Charging Station: David report that Don Stimpert is researching costs, etc.
Costco Business Account: Sharon and Randy reported that the Staff discussed this and determined that there was not a need for such an account at this time. Ken said that he has an Executive Nonprofit Account for the Harry’s Cooking Crew if large purchases are needed.
Operations manuals. OC discussed what areas should have a manual on how to conduct specific operations. Randy recommended that all Ministries, e.g. Worship, Membership, etc., should have such manuals. This will be an ongoing discussion of OC.
Internet: David reported that the current Fellowship Hall computer, which is used by a large number of UUCC programs, e.g. IMPACT, Forum, movie night, needs to be replaced. Don Stimpert is in process of doing this and will make sure that it meets the needs of all parties.
Social media: Sharon reported that there has been a 20% increase in user engagement on our UUCC Facebook page over the last month. Our most popular postings, outside our Sunday Live Stream, are those that involve UUCC congregants directly; for example the post we made for the Poor People’s Campaign or our Throwback Thursday. We hope to start shaping our content to reflect this trend.
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