One of the reasons change can be painful is that we often have to let go of something familiar in order to embrace something new. It also may be true that we hold onto some things far beyond their usefulness to us. We might hold onto something because it brings us comfort, even though a part of us knows that it isn’t what we really need. Welcoming something new into our lives—even something beautiful and exciting and wonderful—often means grieving a loss of something else. We begin exploring the theme of Change with a recognition that growing in new ways means grieving a few things that no longer serve us.
See you in-person Sunday morning at our new time of 10:15 am. Services will also be live-streamed on Facebook or on YouTube.
Minister/Guest In Pulpit: Rev. Dr. Randy Partain
Check out this week’s music notes:
Musician(s): Mike Carney, Women’s Ensemble, Chancel Choir
Worship Associate: Mark Weber
Chalice Lighter:
Sunday Collection Plate:
Sunday Collection Plate: Harry’s Kitchen Crew
Youth Religious Education for K-5 will/not meet this week. Childcare is also available from 9 am – 1 pm Sunday mornings in Room 103 for toddlers through kindergarten.
Topics: Change
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