Bonus Track: A Winter Invitation

Winter invites us to wait. 

Be still. 


It isn’t time for rampant blooming yet, but soon it will be.

Winter challenges that voice inside us that says things are too urgent to rest. That the world is on fire, and we must save it right this instant. That a billion wrongs must be righted and our angry repost on social media cannot wait. Or whatever it is we think we must do to expunge our anxious energy.

Beloveds, the world has always been on fire. 

And there will always be things worthy of your anger and outrage.

(And a billion things that are perhaps not yours to fix or solve or hold.)

Winter says wait.

Take a moment. 

And in that moment, become aware of your connection. 

To others. To yourself. To all that is.

Winter says breathe. 


Be still.

Allow your body to feel itself. 

To feel the ground. 

To experience gravity 

and respond with trust.

Surrender to the forces that hold you together.

Surrender to the forces that hold you.

Realize that it is no work at all to be held.

Realize that it is no work at all to be.

That being requires no effort on your part.

Soon, you’ll be able to make a choice about what to do next.

But you don’t have to know it—or do it—until its time.

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