Bonus Track: Motes of Light
When we explore big, deep topics like “Liberating Love,” it might be tempting to want someone to define it in a way that we can get our arms around.
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When we explore big, deep topics like “Liberating Love,” it might be tempting to want someone to define it in a way that we can get our arms around.
Share this post:Most of us (maybe all of us) were a little anxious to contact our first client for the Pretrial Support Team. What we found was that each person was happy … Continue reading Rewarding Experience for Pretrial Support!
Share this post:When we explore big, deep topics like “Liberating Love,” it might be tempting to want someone to define it in a way that we can get our arms around.
Share this post:This edition of Music Notes will cover both this coming Sunday (December 22nd) and Christmas Eve (next Tuesday the 24th). Scroll down for information on the music and musicians for … Continue reading Musical Musings 12-22 & 12-24: Music of hope and light for Winter Solstice and Christmas Eve
Share this post:Pre-service music starts at 10:10 this Sunday Be sure to arrive early this Sunday, December 15th for very special pre-service music from our choirs and from our guest musicians The … Continue reading Musical Musings 12-15: Special music begins at 10:10 this Sunday with Amethyst Strings, our Chancel Choir, Treble Ensemble, Mike Carney, and Karin Tooley
Share this post:Are you the answer to our Holiday Wish? The membership committee is looking for 2-3 people to help out by greeting people before the Christmas Eve service on December 24. … Continue reading Christmas Eve Greeters Needed!
Share this post:A recent webinar sponsored by the UUA focused on the challenges to today’s parents with children at home. The problems of stress among parents and their effects on children have … Continue reading Can We Attenuate Parental Stress?
Share this post:Post-Christmas Eve Service Dessert & Appetizer Potluck is on! 5:30 pm: Preservice music6:00 pm: Worship Service with Tableau and Candle Lighting7:15 pm: Food and connection in Fellowship Hall Bring your … Continue reading Volunteers Needed for Christmas Eve Festivities
Share this post:When we explore big, deep topics like “Liberating Love,” it might be tempting to want someone to define it in a way that we can get our arms around.
Share this post:What an incredible start for our team of abolitionists! We continue to be incredibly successful in our work as 100% of all closed cases have resulted in zero jail or … Continue reading Pretrial Success Stories
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