This third week of Chalica, we lift up our shared value of JUSTICE, which calls us to work to be diverse multicultural Beloved Communities where all thrive. We covenant to dismantle racism and all forms of systemic oppression. We support the use of inclusive democratic processes to make decisions within our congregations, our Association, and society at large.
Chalice Lighting
As we light this chalice,
May its flame consume the forces of violence in the world;
May its heat warm the chill of misunderstanding and hate;
May its light brighten the lives of the sick of heart and mind.
Chalice, burn with the fire of peace and liberty.
by Jessica York
This is not a prayer that you may find hope
For hope is a luxury that some cannot find and others cannot afford
This is not a prayer that you find more love in the world
Though I hope you continue to feel love and send love to those near and far
I pray instead that you may find tools
A hammer lying half-hidden in the grass
A roll of duct tape, curled up and forgotten on a high shelf in the back of the closet
A wrench poking out of the back pocket of a stranger
Take these tools and gird thyself
A hammer for justice
Duct tape to hold together your broken heart
A wrench to “grip and provide advantage in applying torque to turn objects” – or turn the world
Take these tools and others you may find in places expected and unexpected
Take these tools and gird thyself
For weeping may last through the night
But the work begins in the morning.
Mindfulness and Action
- Can I find a way to volunteer with, or donate to an organization that has global influence, such as UNICEF, or Doctors Without Borders?
- Have I looked at the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee website recently, and updated my membership?
- Can I join the Pretrial Support Team Project?
As a family:
- Find an organization that allows families to volunteer together, then get involved! Volunteer today, or make a plan to volunteer regularly. Invite your UU friends to join you.
- Plan a special meal with family or friends, hold a vote on what you’ll eat. Discuss how we can behave if the vote didn’t go the way we wanted it to. What actions can we take for next time there is a vote? Did everyone have a chance to be heard, to make their case?
- Could your household be running smoother? Why don’t you call a family meeting and ask the kids for their input. Not only will you be giving your children a voice, but you may learn something you never knew
Download the Chalice activity and information:
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