We will be leading the service on October 15th around the theme of the Spirituality of Queerness. We invite the participation of everyone to whom the theme speaks.
You might suggest a reading, a quote, a piece of music, a ritual, a type of movement, or share a brief personal response to any of these questions:
1) Queerness is about breaking down binaries and dualities. How has this shaped your spirituality?
2) Religion often separates body and soul, or body and mind. How does queerness help us return our bodies to our spiritual lives?
3) Queerness invites us to look beyond traditional roles, stories, and ancient religious texts and to relate our own stories to our spiritual lives. Do you have a (brief) story that helps us see new forms of sacredness or that deepens your spirituality?
For more info, or if you would like to participate, email your quotation, thoughts, questions, or ideas by Oct. 1 to [email protected].
We will include as many as time allows and that fit the theme. Also indicate whether you would like to read a passage (or present your material) yourself or have someone else do it. If you would like to participate in another way — such as being chalice lighter — let us know. Everyone is welcome to participate!
–Maggie Nash, Amy Collins, and Greg Nosan
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