Re-Gathering COVID Update

Dear People of UUCC!

We’re back with another Covid Building update. You’re probably aware that Covid cases are down (yay), and that more and more things are opening up. You’re also likely aware that there are not yet vaccines available for the youngest in our community. After two years of navigating the COVID 19 pandemic, we recognize the mental, emotional, and spiritual toll the pandemic protections have taken on our congregation and aim to return to the least restrictive means necessary to provide safe spaces for community use. We continue to desire to respond to the needs of others before our personal desires – prioritizing the safety of the whole congregation over our own preference or sense of comfort. 
Overall, we are lifting social distancing requirements while maintaining our mask requirement. Still ringing true is our desire to make this a place that is safe for everyone. This is for now. We re-evaluate every two weeks.

In the Sanctuary we will open most of the pews for personal choice seating – eliminating the requirement of sitting on blue X’s. Congregants may now sit with whomever they wish, as close or far as they wish.
We will maintain a section of the sanctuary with Blue X seating, for those among us who, for any reason, prefer to maintain social distancing. This Social Distanced seating is identifiable from signs at the aisles, and the blue X’s on the pews.

We will continue to ask congregants to sign in when they attend the service, so we can still provide information regarding positive Covid cases should that occur.

We will follow air flow recommendations and windows will be open during services, along with fans and air purifiers.

We will again hold social hour after the service in the Fellowship Hall, with no limit on the number of people in the room. As the weather warms social hour in the parking lot will be an option.
Small groups (12 or fewer people) meeting in the building may unanimously decide to remove masks once in their meeting room with the door closed. We ask that this decision be made each time the group meets, as individual circumstances may change from meeting to meeting. If the group chooses to remove masks beverages and snacks are permitted.

We welcome your comments and questions – please reach out to a member of the regathering committee (listed below).

In Fellowship,

Randy Partain, Minister

Carol Gay, Board President

Regathering Committee Members

Ray Gonzalez, board

Amy Glesius, board

Carol Gay, board

Randy Partain, minister

Allan Georgia, staff

Mike Carney, staff

Ken Kuehm, buildings and grounds

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