My Kindle is always calculating how fast I’m reading. It might tell me I have 32 minutes remaining in the chapter, which might prompt me to glance at the time and weigh whether I’ve got the mental capacity for another half hour of reading. Or maybe I relax into the comfort of knowing that, in about 30 minutes, I’ll reach a benchmark or a good place to pause.
On the other hand, if my e-reader predicts that I have 7 minutes remaining, I might be energized to keep going. Almost there! I can make it seven more minutes. If I really push myself, maybe I can finish the chapter in five minutes! And if I’m lucky, I’ll even remember everything I read.
It can be a bit of a distraction if I pay too much attention to my device’s predictions. Evaluating how I feel about the amount of time it’ll take me to read something is energy not spent on being immersed in what I’m reading. Maybe it’s better in some ways not to know how long my device thinks it will take me to read the next several pages. Maybe settling in and immersing myself in what I’m reading has a value of its own, regardless of how quickly I make it through a chapter.
Then there are occasional phrases or sentences that really captivate my attention. My device’s predictions become less distracting when I’m absorbed in a series of compelling words, if only for a moment to re-read them a few times. Even when I don’t intend for reading to be meditative, a line or two can invite a bit of lingering and reflection. I might even set down a book before I reach the end of a chapter. That’ll show my device how long I can spend on a single page!
The holiday season often finds us busier than ever. We might be tempted to calculate how long we’ll be in the current experience before we need to be moving on to the next thing. Some of us may have already mastered the art of slowing down and being fully present. For some of us, the holidays make the prospect of being fully present feel more difficult somehow. Maybe some of us find it challenging to be fully present in any season.
On this shortest day/longest night, may the natural cycle of light and darkness inspire connection within you and with the potential of all your moments. May you forget how many minutes are left in the chapter. May you surrender to the connection or delight or wonder of the season. May you linger on words or experiences long enough for their meaning to seep into you, and maybe even remain present as a source of inspiration for moments or days or years to come.
Blessings upon your holiday season.
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