Festival of Lights 3 (Music Service): The Sacred and the Profane

We are surrounded by seasonal music every December. But where is the line between sacred and secular when it comes to the music of Christmas and other winter holidays? Must a piece of holiday music be centered on God or on the miracles described in Scripture to arouse a spiritual response in us, or can those ‘other’ holiday carols be considered sacred as well? On Sunday, December 12th, join UUCC Music Director Mike Carney along with the UUCC Chancel Choir and special guests Gary Aprile, Aaron Burkle, and UUCC Pianist Karin Tooley for a special service and musical celebration, featuring music from the soundtrack of A Charlie Brown Christmas, originally written and performed by jazz pianist and bandleader Vince Guaraldi

Make sure you arrive early to church this Sunday to enjoy pre-service music, starting at 10:50 – see you then!

Services are now indoors. Read about how to stay safe.