Ingathering 2022

Unitarian Universalists began celebrating Water Ceremony in the 1980s. Into our sacred space, participants traditionally bring water from a meaningful place. The combined water is symbolic of our shared faith that is poured from many sources. This year, we also allow our water to symbolize what we bring to this community. And we anoint ourselves with water to represent what we need from this community in order to live into a vision of wholeness for ourselves and the world around us. After the service, we’ll celebrate our community with a Ministry Fair that will give everyone an opportunity to discover how they can make a meaningful and fulfilling contribution to our congregation.

See you in-person Sunday morning at our new time of 10:15 am. Services will also be live-streamed on Facebook or on YouTube.

Minister/Guest In Pulpit: Rev. Dr. Randy Partain

Check out this week’s music notes:

Musician(s): Mike Carney, Choir, Chancel Choir, Guest Musicians

Worship Associate: Andrew Watkins

Chalice Lighter:

Sunday Collection Plate:

Youth Religious Education  for K-5 will/not meet this week. Childcare is also available from 9 am – 1 pm Sunday mornings in Room 103 for toddlers through kindergarten.


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