A conviction that stitches the UUCC community together is an intention to live out our values. And this community is often a staging ground for doing precisely that, going out to do good things in the world. But what if one of the most impactful things we can do as a community is to be––to exist as a community, full of intentionality and purpose? What might become clearer in our purpose and what might we center about how we are together if we understand that being “us” is a thing we are doing for the sake of others, for the life of the world? Let’s explore what it might mean if we consider that some of the most important work we can do together is to foster an “us” that flourishes and grows throughout our communities.
Worship Leader: Dr. Allan Georgia
Worship Associate: John Bacon
Musicians: Karin Tooley
Collection Plate Partner: Rid-All
Information on how to donate virtually as well as links to past and upcoming collection plate partners can be found here.
Topics: Pluralism
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