The Missing Ingredient

The practice of breaking bread together as a spiritual community is an ancient tradition. It has meant many things to different people throughout time. What does it mean for us, as Unitarian Universalists gathering in physical and virtual spaces in our particular and peculiar time? Are we using an old recipe for the bread we break together? Or are we willing to consider what ingredients will yield the sort of Beloved Community for which we yearn?

See you in-person Sunday morning at our new time of 10:15 am. Services will also be live-streamed on Facebook or on YouTube.

Minister/Guest In Pulpit: Rev. Dr. Randy Partain

Check out this week’s music notes:

Musician(s): YoUUth Choir + Karin Tooley + Chancel Choir

Worship Associate: Andrew Watkins

Chalice Lighter:

Sunday Collection Plate: UUSC

Youth Religious Education  for K-5 will/not meet this week. Childcare is also available from 9 am – 1 pm Sunday mornings in Room 103 for toddlers through kindergarten.


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