Social Hour After Services

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow: Social Hour Returns to Fellowship Hall

Thanks to all who have participated in our experiment in the last few weeks and “picked a ticket” for indoor Social Hour. The Membership Committee and the Regathering Committee are committed to finding safe ways for us to meet in person with the least amount of risk. For those of you who would like to stay after the service to catch up with friends inside the building, we’re changing the system slightly based on what we’ve seen. Rather than paper tickets, reusable colored silicone bracelets will be available near the Welcome table/nametags for you to pick up on your way into the Sanctuary before the service beginning this week.

Why bracelets? They’re reusable, easily sanitizable, and hopefully less likely to get lost during the service if you can pop them on your wrist. Please note that we are reusing these bracelets and they MUST BE RETURNED at the end of each Social Hour!

There are a limited number of bracelets in each color based on the number of people that each room can safely hold. (That means every member of your pod needs their own bracelet, and if people in your pod need supervision, make sure you all have the same color bracelet). YELLOW bracelets give you admission to Fellowship Hall. When yellow bracelets run out, RED bracelets will be available for an overflow room, usually the Worship Center – the Worship Team will let you know where the overflow room is at the end of the service. After the service ends, you can still choose to stay for Social Hour if there are colored bracelets left by the chancel door or change your mind by dropping your bracelet back into the basket. 

If you choose to stay for Social Hour, please remember to remain masked, socially distanced, and respect the colored dots on nametags. For everyone’s safety, we ask that you depart the Sanctuary promptly at the end of the service.