Speaker: Rev. Dr. Randy Partain

Dream Town

Shaker Heights, where our physcial building is located, emerged as a model of intentional antiracism. It didn’t begin this way, and it hasn’t always been easy for citizens of this community to fully express the values of inclusion and welcome. What remains to be realized … read more.

Choirs and Cacophonies

A democratic framework has long been cherished by Unitarian Universalists and our spiritual ancestors. Democracy literally means that the power of a community belongs to the people of that community. Yet as we become more deeply aware that UUs do not share a monolithic voice, … read more.

Washed by the Very Same Rain – Ingathering/Water Ceremony

Bring your water (and all of who you are) into this special ritual of grounding and renewal.

This week’s service will start a little early with music from Emma’s Revolution beginning at 10 a.m. before the regular start at 10:15. Make plans to arrive early this week – you’ll be glad you did!

Quorum Sensing

What blessings do we receive from nature and what blessings are we willing to bestow in our interdependent relationship?